Hunting Facts, Telling Truth

Face of Gems, Maimba Mapuranga steals camera

Face of Gems, Maimba Mapuranga steals camera

The man who is entrusted with solicitating funding for the Gems, Maimba Mapuranga has been left with an egg in the face after he was caught stealing a camera belonging to a local Television crew at the Sanganai Tourism expo where he was the Master of Ceremonies.
Mapuranga, whose mind should be from the stone-age, oblivious of the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) stole the camera and hid it in his room.
After the TV crew lodged a complaint, the authorities went for CCTV footage and saw Mapuranga’s shenanigans. He was confronted and denied having seen the camera.
He only admitted after the authorities threatened physical action on him. This is the man who claims to have brought on board Nedbank sponsorship when the Gems participated in the 2023 Netball World Cup in Cape Town South Africa.
Instead of taking members of the media aboard for the maximum mileage of the Nedbank brand, Mapuranga frustrated the journalists who ended up forking from their own pockets to attend the World Cup.
This is the man who blocked Nedbank from sponsoring journalists to the World Cup and ended up taking his girlfriend (name supplied) who masquaraded as a media practitioner.
After failing to get the mileage they were expecting, Nedbank confronted the ZINA leadership who, for their trust in Mapuranga, ended up driving other players who they perceived to be receiving more coverage, off the radar.
This is the man who is expected to source funding for the Gems’ African Championships coming next month in Botswana.
This is the man who created supposed animosity between ZINA president Leticia Chipandu and the media.
And for selfish reasons. Who knows, maybe he is the one who has been stealing from some of the Gems who decided not to report theft when they were still camped in Harare before departing to South Africa.
This is the man who didn’t want to see reporters near the Gems squad when the team was in South Africa for the World Cup.
What was he trying to hide?
Source Zimetro

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