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Millers sue Matinyarare

Millers sue Matinyarare


Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) has approached the High Court to stop social media activist Rutendo Matinyarare from publishing defamatory material against its members.

The millers’ association want Matinyarare to remove from his social media account the defamatory content being a tweet on his X account, titled “Innscor GMOS risk exposing Zimbabweans, Zambians, Kenyans & others to biological weapons”, “Tafadzwa Musarara’s claim that GMOs don’t have side effects is not scientific” and @matinyarare titled “Response to Grain Millers Association.

Mr Musarara is the president of the GMAZ.

In a court action filed on Monday, GMAZ cited Matinyarare and the National Biotechnology Authority of Zimbabwe as respondents.

GMAZ is seeking an interdict stopping Matinyarare from publishing any further defamatory content against its members, until the finalization of the suit.

“On the return date, the Applicant seeks final relief that 1st Respondent be and is hereby permanently interdicted from publishing any defamatory material against Applicant’s members,’ read part of the final order sought.

Recently, Innscor Africa obtained a takedown order against Matinyarare, who posted videos online accusing the company of “destroying the taste of Zimbabwean food” while also labelling the company’s founder Zinona ‘Zed’ Koudounaris a “Rhodie”.

The Johannesburg High Court ruled Matinyarare’s claims were “defamatory,” leaving him facing a damages claim from Innscor and Koudounaris as well as a huge legal bill.

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